Piwik for VirtueMart2
Tracks products detail and categories viewed, informations from your cart and on orders.

Analytics reports for VirtueMart 2
Piwik is an amazing open source analytics program, a very good alternative to Google analytics. Free and open source, Piwik provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors, the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, your popular pages, and much more.
This plugin enables the use of the Piwik ecommerce analytics features with VirtueMart 2 ecommerce website. In your Piwik interface, you will find Ecommerce reports by clicking on the main menu on "Ecommerce & Goals". The following Ecommerce reports are provided:
Ecommerce Metrics
- Ecommerce orders
- Total revenue
- Average order value
- Ecommerce conversion rate
- Purchased products
- Abandoned carts metrics: Visits with abandoned carts, revenue left in carts
Ecommerce Reports
- Ecommerce overview: revenue, orders, conversion rate, AOV (Average Order Value), etc.
- Best product SKUs
- Best product Names
- Best product Categories
- Ecommerce Log – displays all visits containing an Ecommerce Order, so you can visualize your customers clickpath
Improved standard Reports
- Ecommerce revenue
- Ecommerce conversion rate
excellent plugin I recommend it to all owners of Virtuemart, excellent statistics...... is also free