Safe.Shop Trustmark & Review System

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Safe.Shop Trustmark & Review System

Subscription 12 months

We help you increase your online sales

Safe.Shop is the only trustmark and consumer review system that operates nationally as well as globally. We help you increase your online sales by providing a safer online shopping experience for our clients’ potential online customers. An online store with a review system, Global Code of Conduct certification, Trust Score and Trust Badges in place will increase the level of confidence online visitors have in their shopping experience, and in turn will lead to increased conversion and order size. Safe.Shop integrates the Consumer Review System with which you can easily collect consumers reviews that you can display on your online shop, all of which is integrated directly onto your website with no need to for the consumer to visit another website. By showing the Safe.Shop Trustmark on your online shop, you are demonstrating to potential customers your reliability. If needed, we mediate with consumers in case of conflicts and provide you with the necessary (legal) support.

How Safe.Shop works

1) Set up the Safe.Shop Trustmark. Takes up to 5 minutes and can give you a sales boost of up to 20%.

2) An order is received: A customer buys from your online store.

3) Personal invites: You can use Safe.Shop to send review invitations using excel or just send the review invitation from your own email.

4) Automated Invites: Safe.Shop can automatically send a review invitation to your customer a few days after the order has been placed.

5) Customer reviews: Your customer can give your online shop a review directly via email, your own website or via Safe.Shop.

6) Alerts: Can be set for when a new review is added or only in case of negative feedback. You decide.

7) Manage your reviews: Learn from customer reviews using our dashboard as well as report misuse or request moderation when necessary.

8) Turn negative reviews into positive ones: We withhold negative reviews for 14 days, offering you the opportunity to contact unhappy customers and turn negative feedback into positive ones.

Safe.Shop benefits

The Safe.Shop Trustmark offers online retailers three key benefits:

• Increase sales with a higher conversion & order size by enhancing consumer trust.

• Prevent costs with standard legal documents and lower risks with legal support.

• Grow your business both locally & globally with a unique trustmark supporting 10+ different languages!

Feel free to consult our HobbyGigant case or use our ROI Calculator to calculate your benefits.

Safe.Shop is Free

Display the Safe.Shop Trustmark for free on your website

Safe.Shop is an initiative of the Ecommerce Foundation. Our mission is to facilitate global digital trade, as peace is the natural effect of trade. You can show the Safe.Shop Trustmark for free on your website if you have a positive Trust Score. Our Artificial Intelligence algorithm determines your trust score on more than 40+ criteria including the availability of contact details on your online shop, payment methods offered, consumer reviews and much more. Our algorithm continuously adds more factors to separate reliable online shops

Our Freemium model is suitable both for small as well as large enterprises. However, if your business requires additional support in the form of moderation requests, invitations sent via our system or online dispute resolution we can also help through our paid service tiers.

Where we Dare to Differ

We differ from competitors in several ways:

• Our mission is to facilitate global digital trade; not to let you pay for collecting reviews.

• We focus on helping you sell more by not only increasing consumer trust but by also free research and advice.

• Our model is truly Forever Free, you do not pay for the trustmark; only for support if needed.

• We work globally. Get certified once and build trust with your consumers around the world.

What our customers are saying

• Jochanan Bax, CEO Bax Music: ''You have to go global to survive as online merchant. Safe.Shop can help you sell easier across the world.''

• Geert-Jan Smits, Managing Director Flinders: ''We started in the Netherlands, expanded to Belgium and Germany and now also sell in China. A global trustmark belongs to global

• Alon Ben Joseph, Owner Ace Jewelers Group: ''The consumer today does not think in

borders, therefore we as cross-border retailers are in dire need of a global trustmark like Safe.Shop."

How do I setup Safe.Shop?

Setup time: 5 Minutes

• Install the Safe.Shop extension

• Register with Safe.Shop to get your access key (for free, no credit card needed).

• Add the Safe.Shop key to your installed app

• Start collecting customer reviews immediately with Safe.Shop Invitations.

Contact us!

If you have any questions or want to upgrade your Safe.Shop package, do not hesitate to contact us.

We are always happy to help:

Phone: +31 20 238 6081

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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