Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3
license Type: GPL-V3

Module VM2/3 Unlimited Category-Menu/-Navigator

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8,32 €
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Sales price 8,32 €
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This module shows the shop categories of VirtueMart unlimited. There is no restriction to the folder depth like it is in the standard VM-category module. How deep you construct your categories is indifferent. The module shows the complete menu from the first to the last level. Or you can use a pull-down-navigator-template for fast and elegant selection (instant ajax technology).

Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3
license Type: GPL-V3

Subscription 12 months

Category module with two displays (templates)

This modul contains two category choices in one.

  • One the one hand side the categories can be displayed in a
    • menu which has not the depth restriction like the VM-Core-Menu module.
    • On the other hand side with this module one can create a navigator by using pull-down lists and fast Ajax technology.

    The category menu without depth restriction(templates)

    Another feature is the flexible use of own style classes for every entry in this category menu. This ones can maintained in a comfortable and simple way via the extended module options.

    You can visualize the menu level depth in an easy way due to configurable color selection. For doing this some colors are pre-configurated an can be extended by your desired color.

    Despite the unrestricted depth you can also configure the module that it starts with one defined category and only shows the sub-categories to the last available depth of this item.

    Like in the VM-standard category module in Joomla menus a single menu point can be confurated to which can be jumped to. Here you can find a demo project where you can test the functions.

    The feature mentioned above can be seen in this screenshot:

    Features of Category Menu Navigator


    Advanced options Category Menu Navigator

    Category navigator / selector

    A typical example for the use of such a navigator is the car branch. In this case the search for a product usually is beginning with the marque as start category. At the next point one choces a model and in the end the motorization. Normally in the upstream categories there are no products located. They show up only in the last one. During the navigation to this end categories it is not useful to call up these browse pages. Especially this behavior is realized by the navigator template in this modul.

    Important features of the navigator template (via pull down select lists) are upt to now:

    • Arbitrary start categories choseable.
    • Any depth selectable. On the base of a pre-selected depth number it is set from which point of depth browse pages are called up and with that the complete page is actualized and not only the sub-categories in the modul via Ajax.
    • Transfer of label content for the pull down fields
    • Several layout / style settings
    • The module is programmed in that way that several navigators can be placed on the sites without conflict.
    • Alternatively, Ajax can be shut down that all sub-category sites are showing up as soon as selections were made.
    Screeshot: Sample menu as pull-down-navigator

    Example Category Menu Navigator

    Backend Category Menu Navigator options


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