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Advanced inventory manager

Orders, Back Office, Product
31,35 €

Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager: bulk edit, ajax and barcode inventory editor

Ajax Search Pro

Categories, Promotions, Product
39,22 €

The module will help your shoppers to easily find the products based on Keyword Search.


Import & Export, Back Office, Product
119,90 €

Synchronize your Amazon Products/orders with Amamplace

Attachment For VirtueMart

Products, Tools, Product
53,55 €

Attachment for VirtueMart product plugin allows the shop owners to attach multiple files on the product details page.

Autocomplete Search Plugin

Products, SEO & SEF, Template, Product
17,91 €

Start typing and your products will show up directly.

Offer bulk discounts in your VirtueMart store when customers buy more than one of an item.

Bundle Catproduct + Catproduct Content

Products, Template, Product
52,98 €

Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.

Bundle Shipment for Virtual Products + Module

Template, Product, Shopper & Order
49,00 €

Product bundle Download Module + Shipment for Virtual Products. Save 10€


Products, Product
32,99 €

Add multiple products to cart together with only one add-to-cart button.

Catproduct Content

Products, Template, Product
32,99 €

Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.

Children custom field

Products, Product
8,96 €

List your children products directly in a table

Custom Size

Products, Product
59,00 €

Your customers can now easily adjust the price of your products, based on the size they require, which can be by dimension, length, width, height, or surface.

Download module

Template, Product, Shopper & Order
19,90 €

Show confirmed downloads or subscriptions to your shoppers in module layout. Extends iStraxx Shipment for virtual products plugin for VirtueMart 3.

Ebay Instant Keyword Search

Products, Template, Product
26,58 €

Instant keyword search Module for your VirtueMart shops

This is new revolutionary extension for Virtuemart.

Language Manager for Virtuemart

Tools, Back Office, Product
34,93 €

Easily manage your Virtuemart translatable fields (name, description...)

Allow the user to add any donation amount to the price of a product. Can also be used to sell products, where the buyer determines the price.

Order Upload Plugin

Products, Product
78,62 €

Let your shoppers upload images or any type of files

Package Size

Products, Product
45,00 €

This plugin calculates the quantity by given size

Product Delivery Date

Products, Product
44,11 €

Set delivery date and delivery time/location for your products.

Product Presenter

Products, Template, Product
12,90 €

This module helps you to present as many products on as little room as possible

Product Scroller

Products, Promotions, Template, Product
15,00 €

The module displays Featured, Best Sales, Random and Latest products. Designed especially to boost mobile browsing experience. The best way to display selected products from VirtueMart 3.

Product Slide

Products, Template, Product
12,90 €

Shows your products in a nice slide with several display options.

Product Slideshow

Products, Template, Product
12,90 €

An image slideshow combined with product display

Size based discounts on custom size products.

Quantity related price calculation

Products, Product, Marketing
59,00 €

Create scalable product quantity based discounts

QuickLook Plugin

Products, Template, Product
49,87 €

Quick look at the product details when browsing on the product listing page. Keeps your Joomla templates as well as current VirtueMart modules safe.


Product, Tools, Back Office, Shoppers
29,00 €

Rawforms enables custom forms by raw input. Modifies the product price on shopper input based on simple code snippet.

Shipment for Virtual Products

Products, Product, Shipments
43,00 €

Plugin for selling downloads with VirtueMart 2 and 3.Ships virtual products (software, music, videos, books) to your customers.

Shortcodes Plugin

Products, Template, Product
15,00 €

This is a useful content plugin for VirtueMart 3. Shortcodes plugin allows you to insert VirtueMart 3 products into Joomla content item. More than 3 layout options. K2 support.

Displays a textarea with defaul text and validation

Upload Custom Field

Products, Product
53,63 €

Add an HTML file upload input to your VirtueMart product pages.

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