Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
VirtueMart 3
VirtueMart 4

VirtueMart Migrator

0 Ratings
45,51 €
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 45,51 €
Sales price without tax 45,51 €
Tax amount

Migrate your VirtueMart and your whole Joomla website content.

Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
VirtueMart 3
VirtueMart 4
  • Subscription 6 months
  • Subscription 6 months

What you get: this subscription includes 6 months of support and updates.

Finaly a Joomla migrator especially designed for VirtueMart.

If you are still running Joomla 1.5 or 2.5 and VirtueMart 1.1.9 or 2.x your website is getting quite old. Old enough that neither Joomla not VirtueMart development teams are supporting this versions anymore.

Some other third party extension follow the same roadmap and Daycounts.com is not an exception as we already stopped any further developments on those platforms.

This migrator, is a giant leap towards Joomla 4!
Every VirtueMart content from your shop will be copied over. Here is how it works.

  • Install blank Joomla 3 and VirtueMart 3 on the same server as your existing website
  • Install VirtueMart Migrator component and configure database access and file paths
  • Select the contents you want to migrate and hit the "Migrate now button"

Our system will copy and transform all the data to have an almost fully functional brand new website out of the box (some additional settings were not available in previous version of VirtueMart, you'll then have to configure them manually)
There is more! All the data will be transfered using the same ids. What does that mean? Well that means data integrity is preserved during migration.

One Migrator does it all

VM Migrator does not only migrates Virtuemart content, your whole Joomla! website content will be migrated too, categories, articles, users, modules... everything!


Our system was run successfully on several shops with up to 20.000 products, 30.000 users and 15.000 orders.

No rush, no downtime and orders still come in.

Although this component will be a great help, your 'old' site is still running and customers continue to register, orders are created and you don't want to turn it down before the new website is ready.
You may have other components, modules, plugins and template that you want to migrate and we understand that can take some time.
No problem, hit the migrate button again and all new data will be imported so your data keep up to date. Once you are ready to go live, temporarily turn of the the orther website, import the latest items and put your new website live.


Yes! The VirtueMart 2/3 Migrator is extensible and additional plugins are available to migrate data from other components such as AWO Coupon, iStraxx Shipment for Virtual Products Download, Alpha User Points and more to come. 

What is migrated?

Everything! Check by yourself:

Joomla Settings Data Joomfish
Joomla settings list check - list check
Menus - list check -
Menu items - list check list check
Users - list check -
Sections - list check list check
Categories - list check list check
Articles - list check  
Contacts list check list check list check
Webslinks list check list check list check
Newsfeeds list check list check list check
Banners list check list check list check
Search list check list check -
Messages - list check -
Modules - list check list check
Media manager list check - -
Images - list check -


VirtueMart Data Joomfish
Virtuemart Configuration list check list check
Tax rates list check -
Payment methods list check list check
Shipment methods list check -
Users list check -
User fields list check -
Vendors list check list check
Categories list check list check
Categories settings list check -
Manufacturers list check list check
Products list check list check
Product attributes list check -
Product types list check -
Additional images list check -
Related products list check -
Votes list check -
Reviews list check -
Waiting list list check -
Orders status list check -
Orders list check -
Order history list check -
Order payment method list check -
Coupons list check -

If you have the product download plugin from iStraxx, your downloadble products that you sell will be migrated too and the number of downloads remaining will be preserved

More languages available

For more languages visit transifex.com.

