Ajax Drop Down Cart
Powerful and user-friendly drop down cart swiftly revealing the products in the cart add-on module for your store.
All about Categories
Presenting categories has never been easier. This VirtueMart module allows you to present your categories in a module. It offers you many settings and different display.
All About Manufacturers
Presenting manufacturer has never been easier. This VirtueMart 2 module allows you to present your manufacturer in a module.
All About Products
Presenting products has never been easier. Display product on module positions. Create entries such as "Save €3.99 now!"
Autocomplete Search Plugin
Start typing and your products will show up directly.
Bundle Catproduct + Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Bundle Shipment for Virtual Products + Module
Product bundle Download Module + Shipment for Virtual Products. Save 10€
Display a VirtueMart category menu with unlimited levels
Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Buttons for sharing a product on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Each service can be disabled in the settings.
Download module
Show confirmed downloads or subscriptions to your shoppers in module layout. Extends iStraxx Shipment for virtual products plugin for VirtueMart 3.
Ebay Instant Keyword Search
Instant keyword search Module for your VirtueMart shops
eCommerce Template
Clear structured Joomla template including VirtueMart theme
Flexible Virtuemart Zoom Effect
Responsive jQuery Zoom Effect For VirtueMart 2.0.xx. Zoom Effect Extension lets you show nice zoom effect on product detail page for product pictures. It supports both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5.
Hera 4 VirtueMart 4 Template
Hera 4 is a modern VirtueMart 4 template with many new features. It was developed to provide an easy-to-use experience and a simple setup and configuration without any additional plugins or modules.
JSN Ferado
auto-boots your ordinary e-Commerce website into a virtue high-powered seller. With distinct visuals and well-tailored style for VirtueMart, it brings the most effective sectors right to front — impressing customers at the first-sight and intrigues them to buy what you’re selling.
JSN FORCE is an ideal template for e-commerce websites with its modern design and robust features.
Manufacturer Slide
Shows your Manufacturer in a nice slide on a module position.
Notify Product for VM
Allows notify another e-mail when the user submit the form to be in product waiting list.
OS Ecofood
... designed in green fresh colors and can be used for websites selling Organic Food, Vegan Food, Food from Farms and other type of online stores or shops. Quickstart package allows to install Virtuemart template in few minutes and get the same website as on demo.
OS TopShop
TopShop is responsive Joomla template designed for digital stores, devices and accessories.
OS Writer
Joomla theme with stunning features for creative portfolio, online library, eCommerce website (VirtueMart 3.0) and blog
Product Presenter
This module helps you to present as many products on as little room as possible
Product Scroller
The module displays Featured, Best Sales, Random and Latest products. Designed especially to boost mobile browsing experience. The best way to display selected products from VirtueMart 3.
Product Slide
Shows your products in a nice slide with several display options.
Product Slideshow
An image slideshow combined with product display
Products Anywhere
Plugin to display products in articles. This may be the Joomla articles, K2 posts or in posts of other components.
QuickLook Plugin
Quick look at the product details when browsing on the product listing page. Keeps your Joomla templates as well as current VirtueMart modules safe.
Responsive Printing Company Template
Joomla VirtueMart Responsive Printing Company Template is a special Joomla template for Online Printing company. We've created one of the best effective VirtueMart template for this niche market, and we entitle it "Joomla Printing Company Virtuemart template". By using this template, it generally delivers the most convenient way for Printing websites, has opened up opportunities for commercial printers to communicate with their partners and customers.
REVOLAB - Responsive Virtuemart Template
REVOLAB is fully responsive and elegant Joomla template. This template is especially designed for VirtueMart 3 and works with all new versions of Joomla. The Revolab Joomla template comes with lots of awesome features, clean design and powerful functionality.
Shortcodes Plugin
This is a useful content plugin for VirtueMart 3. Shortcodes plugin allows you to insert VirtueMart 3 products into Joomla content item. More than 3 layout options. K2 support.
Theme Shoplicious
This VirtueMart theme gives a new look to your VirtueMart shop. It upgrades the VirtueMart sections but does not affect your Joomla template design.