VirtueMart Extensions

The Istraxx Company was founded by the VirtueMart core team members, which leads and protects the VirtueMart project.
The VirtueMart extension directory gives 3rd party developers the opportunity to sell their extensions, easily to VirtueMart end users and developers alike.
End users will find high quality extensions, which have been approved by the VirtueMart team.
The Istraxx ensures and steers the steady and ongoing development of VirtueMart to become the best ecommerce solution of choice.
VirtueMart is a registered trademark of the iStraxx GmbH
iStraxx GmbH
Max Milbers
Leisniger Straße 40
D-01127 Dresden
iStraxx GmbH | Geschäftsführer/CEO: Max Milbers |
Sitz: Dresden, Germany | UID: DE279592082 |
Registergericht: Dresden | Handelsregisternummer: HRB31153 |
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