Finalize Orders
Let your customers finalize or cancel a pending order
Since VirtueMart 2.0, a pending order cannot be finalized as it used to be in VirtueMart 1.1.x
With this plugin, your customers will be able to finalize or cancel an order that was left pending and won't need to order the same products again.
Finalize order plugin will add a button on the order details page:
{finalizeorder orderid=XXXX}
You can also overwritte the default settings
{finalizeorder orderid=XXXX|filterorderstates=P|text=Finalize this}
parameter | Type | Description |
filterorderstates | order state | Enter the order states to display (P, X, C...) |
showtos | 0/1 | Show/hide Accept Terms of Service button |
divclass | text | a class name to apply to the container div |
divstyle | text | css style to apply to the container div |
pretext | text | text to be shown before the button |
text | text | the text of the button |
posttext | text | text to be shown after the button |
class_sfx | text | class name to apply to the button |
btnstyle | text | css style to apply to the button |
showcancel | 0/1 | Should the user cart be reset before adding the items? |
canceltext | text | text of the cancel button |
cancelclass_sfx | text | a class name to be applied on the cancel button |
cancelbtnstyle | text | css style to be applied on the cancel button |
If you want to get a button in the order list you will need to make some changes manually:
- Locate file
- Copy it to (recreate folder structure if necessary)
- Add an empty column header to the table
- Add the button in a new cell for each records:
What you get: this subscription includes 6 months of support and updates.