911 Website Repair
911 Website Repair provides professional website repair, development, and customization services for any open-source PHP-based content management system (CMS), including but not limited to WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, OpenCart, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, TYPO3, Craft, Concrete5, osCommerce, Zen Cart, Plone, and many more. Our company also specializes in fixing ASP.net websites.
Featured Products
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.