Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3

Clone Order
14,46 €
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 14,46 €
Sales price without tax 14,46 €
Tax amount
Your clients have recurring orders? Make their life easier!
Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3

Back to: Orders
Your clients have recurring orders? They often add the same items? Make their purchase experience easier!
This plugin will display a button allowing the customer to clone a former order . It copies all products from the order to the current cart.
By default, the button is displayed on the order detail page but can also be displayed in the order list with a small template change.
You can even use it in an article, a module or a product detail by adding a custom tag referencing the order to clone and use the plugin as a 'templated cart'
- A coupon can be applied by default
- Option to reset the cart before adding the products again
- Customizable text and style
- No personnal information from the order is cloned, just the items list
- Out of stock items will not be added if Virtuemart is configured check stocks
- Clone every order, even one you have defined on purpose

More about Clone Order Plugin
By default, Clone order plugin will add a button on the order details page only but cal also parse some custom tags that you can add to articles, modules, or event templates files.
To insert a button in an article or a module, add the following code :You can also override the default plugin settings:
Separate the different parameters with a pipe (|)
Here is a list of parameters you can override:
parameter | Type | Description |
divclass | text | a class name to apply to the container div |
divstyle | text | css style to apply to the container div |
pretext | text | text to be shown before the button |
text | text | the text of the button |
posttext | text | text to be shown after the button |
class_sfx | text | class name to apply to the button |
btnstyle | text | css style to apply to the button |
reset_cart | 0/1 | Should the user cart be reset before adding the items? |
coupon_code | text | Valid coupon code to apply to the cart. |
If you want to get a button in the order list you will need to make some changes manually:
- Locate file /components/com_virtuemart/views/orders/tmpl/list.php
- Copy it to (recreate folder structure if necessary) /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_virtuemart/orders/list.php
- Add an empty column header to the table
- Add the button in a new cell for each records:
What you get: this subscription includes 6 months of support and updates.