VM Cart Saver
Save your cart, add name and notes, edit cart. Preview saved cart. Offer a wishlist

Early access, take advantage of introductory price offer.
This cartsaver stores all relevant data in the cart. Any product, shipment, payment, coupon, userfields. User can easily reuse preconfigured carts.
Use case
- Save multiple carts, for later checkout
- Update and preview cart
- Reuse saved carts
- Use stored carts as pattern for ordering per phone.
User action fields
- Store current cart to this entry
- Update saved cart entry information without storing current cart (e.g. change name, note, or sort order)
- Select this cart
- Preview saved cart
- Delete this entry
Data fields
- Cart name
- Cart note
- this cart entry products sum
- this cart entry total amount
Q: How can I access the cartsaver views in frontend?
A: To access the cartsave plugin please create e.g. a menu item "cartsaver" type external URL. Use ../index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cartsaver
Q: Where do I find the views for custom layout adjustments?
A: License owners are allowed to adjust the views in \plugins\vmextended\istraxx_cartsaver\tmpl
Q: How do I change sort order of cart items?
A: Change sort order of your cart products per drag and drop - there is a drag button in the cart view, beside the update product quantity elements.