Extensions Specifications

Manufacturer Slide

0 Ratings
12,90 €
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 12,90 €
Sales price without tax 12,90 €
Tax amount

Shows your Manufacturer in a nice slide on a module position.

Extensions Specifications
If you do not enter a domain here, the first connecting domain will be set

Module presenting manufacturers in a slideshow

Presenting manufacturer has never been easier. This VirtueMart 2 module allows you to present your manufacturer in a module. It offers you many settings and different display criteria such as the display of all manufacturer or just manufacturer you want to highlight on purpose.

This module also have a build in slideshow feature which you can activate. You determine the number of manufacturer to show per row.

Moreover, you can hide or show each item (e.g. manufacturer name, manufacturer image, buttons). For the button linked to the product or the manufacturer page, you can set a custom text which will appear. You can even individually set whether or not you want to hide the horizontal and vertical separators.



Bruno Prior
Saturday, 27 April 2013
I have a ticket open at:

If you can give me a hand thanks.

Thank you.

[Comment: Of course, we will be there for you]