Mathematician, Software Developer, Singer, Music Publisher

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Add Buyers to Joomla Groups

Shoppers, Shopper & Order

Virtuemart plugin to automatically add buyers to or remove buyers from Joomla user groups or VirtueMart Shopper groups.

Subscribe Buyers to AcyMailing

Promotions, Tools, Marketing

VirtueMart plugin to automatically subscribe buyers to certain AcyMailing Lists, and to allow subscription to notifications on the product page.

Name the Price

Orders, Product

Allow the user to add any donation amount to the price of a product. Can also be used to sell products, where the buyer determines the price.

Advanced Shipping by Rules

Shipments, Checkout

Now integrated to the AIO
Determines the shipping costs according to arbitrary basic arithmetic expressions


Shipping by Rules

Shipments, Checkout

Allows the shop owner to determine shipping costs according to arbitrary sets of general rules