Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
VirtueMart 3
VirtueMart 4
license Type: GPL

Percentage Shipping

0 Ratings
47,41 €

Charge a shipping fee as a percentage of the total sales price

Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
VirtueMart 3
VirtueMart 4
license Type: GPL
  • Subscription 6 months
  • For 1 domain
  • You may enter domains to register here, but you can also use the live registration, which will register any domain you want as long as you have free slots
This VirtueMart 2.x shipping plugin allows you to specify your shipping fee as a percentage the total sales price. This is based on the standard shipping plugin so can be restricted to certain countries, price boundaries, product weights, etc.


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