Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3

Shipping by Rules

2 Ratings

Allows the shop owner to determine shipping costs according to arbitrary sets of general rules

Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
VirtueMart 3


Create shipping costs according to general conditions

Determine shipping costs according to general conditions given as equalities and inequalities (=, >) of the order properties (weight, number of articles, postal code, order amount, etc.). Shipping costs can be depending on:

  • Total amount of the order
  • Total weight of the order
  • Number of articles or different products in the order
  • Volume or minimal, minimal and total extensions of the products
  • Postal code of the delivery address (numeric postal codes)
  • Coupon Code (Advanced version only)

Each country zone can be assigned a different tax rule, and the shipping cost can be given as the amout with or without taxes. In both cases the tax amount and the corresponding net or gross shipping costs will be correctly calculated.

The plugin exists in two different versions, this free version, which supports fixed bounds for all properties, and a paid version, which allows all conditions and shipping rules to contain arbitrary mathematical expressions (like an OR operator, multiplication, addition and subtraction etc.). See the documentation for all the differences.

Each rule is described as one line of text with an easy structure (semicolons separate the parts of the rule). For example:

Name=Free Shipping; 100 Name=Domestic Small; Articles Name=Domestic Standard; Amount

This set of rules describes three shipping costs: Orders of 100€ and more are free, otherwise orders with less than five articles have shipping costs of 1.5€, all others 3.50€.

This version of the plugin allows only a fixed expression for the Shipping cost, but no arithmetic expressions (like 5€ per kg or 1€ per product).

