Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
Joomla! 5.x
VirtueMart 4

Quantity related price calculation

0 Ratings
59,00 €
Base price with tax
Sales price 59,00 €
Sales price without tax 59,00 €
Tax amount

Create scalable product quantity based discounts

Extensions Specifications
Joomla! 3.x
Joomla! 4.x
Joomla! 5.x
VirtueMart 4

Subscription 12 months

The quantity plugin enables you to configure pricing, and quality differentials per product / category, based on quantity or volume of order. You can combine quantities of different products within a category or variants. Example: You can sell a single T-Shirt for $10 each but 100 T-Shirts of the same shirt but different color, for $8.00 each. This can easily be achieved using the iStraxx quantity plugin within minutes for the whole store.

Most exciting new parameter are the parameters for already bought products. So you can reward returning customers. Or use it for renewing licences. The plugin integrates seamlessly into the calculation edit view, and is easy to set up and use.

Use case

  • Offer product based discounts within calculation rules
  • Show product quantity or value discount
  • Discount on cart product quantity or value
  • Discount for returning customers based on their orders

Config options

  • Discount range table
  • Multiple quantity steps for adjustable discount rates
  • Combine variants, or childs
  • Consider categories and manufacturer restriction
  • Show product based discount prices as table on the product detail page


Quantity plugin product details table

This plugin helps you to easily benefit and enhance the strong calculation rules of VirtueMart, combined with these new options and possible different calculation dependencies, already provided with VirtueMart 2 and 3, you are able to easily set up and increase sales by volume. Easy to set up within VirtueMart calculation rules.


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