Bundle MOSS Tax + VM Localise + Geolocator
Mini One Stop Shop taxes for EU. In case you want to export services within the EU you need this component to easily manage your European Vat rules

Requires plugin iStraxx Geolocator for Joomla
This component provides a flexible solution for all merchants who need to take the VAT of the customer country. The Synchroniser allows you to edit and update all european rules at once. At the moment you can set the shoppergroup in case you want to combine it with the Eu Vat id checker. Furthermore you can set the category, in case you are selling products of different types.
Use case
- assign shopper country based tax automatically
- follows European commission One-Stop-Shop MOSS tax rules in one go
- includes all european country rules
- uses native categories and shoppergroups
- compatible with EU Vat id checker
Disclaimer: iStraxx UG (haftungsbeschränkt) cannot give any garantee for this product and is not responsible for loss or damages due improper tax rules. This is a technical solution. We are not tax consultants and not allowed todo consulting. You use this tax rules on your own risk. Of course we do our best to provide you with best information as best we know. If you need more information, please read http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/taxation/vat/how_vat_works/telecom/one-stop-shop-guidelines_en.pdf
Notice: In case iStraxx EU VAT plugin is already in use, install MOSS plugin only.