
Daycounts specializes in developing powerfull extensions for Virtuemart shops.
Our extensions are all developed with state of the art programming and will leverage the possibilities of Virtuemart to boost your sales

Latest Products

Map Related Products

Back Office, Tools, Products
22,52 €

Language Manager for Virtuemart

Tools, Back Office, Product
35,13 €

Easily manage your Virtuemart translatable fields (name, description...)

Children custom field

Products, Product
9,01 €

List your children products directly in a table

VirtueMart Pending Orders Module

Orders, Checkout, Shopper & Order
0,00 €

Ever lost some customers or get duplicate orders because the payment failed?

Top ten Products

JCE plugin

Menus, Products, Marketing
4,50 €

Inserts links to your VirtueMart pages, categories and products directly from JCE.

Advanced inventory manager

Orders, Back Office, Product
31,52 €

Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager: bulk edit, ajax and barcode inventory editor

Finalize Orders

Orders, Shopper & Order
13,51 €

Let your customers finalize or cancel a pending order

Autocomplete Search Plugin

Products, SEO & SEF, Template, Product
18,01 €

Start typing and your products will show up directly.

Clone Order

Orders, Shopper & Order
13,51 €

Your clients have recurring orders? Make their life easier!

Stock handle

Products, Tools, Back Office
18,01 €

Handle individual products stock when a gift basket is purchased