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Latest Products

Mollie for VirtueMart

49,95 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 49,95 €
Sales price without tax: 49,95 €
Tax amount:
Accept payments through various payment methods supported by Mollie in your VirtueMart store like bank cards, iDEAL, Klarna, Bancontact, Giropay, TWINT, and many others. VirtueMart 4, Joomla 5, Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 native plugin. PHP 8.2+ compatible.

VMBasic Pro VirtueMart 4 Template

Templates, Template
79,00 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 79,00 €
Sales price without tax: 79,00 €
Tax amount:

VMBasic Pro is an extended version of the new VirtueMart 4 core template.

Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart

49,95 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 49,95 €
Sales price without tax: 49,95 €
Tax amount:
Stripe Checkout plugin for VirtueMart allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway. Joomla 5, Joomla 4, Joomla 3, VirtueMart 4.2.+, VirtueMart 3.8+, and PHP 7.4, PHP 8.2+ compatible. Additional payment methods supported.

Stripe for VirtueMart

49,95 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 49,95 €
Sales price without tax: 49,95 €
Tax amount:
Stripe plugin for VirtueMart allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway. The plugin is Joomla 5, Joomla 4, Joomla 3, VirtueMart 4.2+, VirtueMart 3.8 and PHP 7.4, PHP 8.2+ ready. Additional payment methods supported.


Worldpay Payments

Payments, Checkout
66,53 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 66,53 €
Sales price without tax: 66,53 €
Tax amount:

Accept WorldPay payments through your VirtueMart store

WorldPay UK Plugin

42,00 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 42,00 €
Sales price without tax: 42,00 €
Tax amount:

Version 1.3.20 - update for Joomla 4 compatibility.

UK version of the Worldpay plugin. Allows merchants with a UK Worldpay account to process credit/debit card transactions.

WT Virtuemart Bitrix24

Import & Export, Marketing

Plugin for sending order data from Virtuemart online store to Bitrix24 CRM.

XCloner - Backup and Restore made simple!

Tools, Back Office
0,00 €
Sales price: 0,00 €
Sales price without tax: 0,00 €
Tax amount:

Professional Backup Application for PHP/Mysql websites.


Promotions, Shoppers, Tools, Back Office, Shopper & Order
0,00 €
Sales price: 0,00 €
Sales price without tax: 0,00 €
Tax amount:

Make Your Customers Happy Again - Youstice’s new-generation online tool delivers fast and fair solutions to customer complaints.


Products, Product, Marketing
20,00 €
Base price with tax:
Sales price with discount:
Sales price: 20,00 €
Sales price without tax: 20,00 €
Tax amount:

Embed YouTube videos into VirtueMart product detail page.

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