Featured Products
EU Vat ID checker
Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.
Sales Tax Automation
Rawforms enables custom forms by raw input. Modifies the product price on shopper input based on simple code snippet.
Quantity related price calculation
Create scalable product quantity based discounts
Quantity Customsize
Size based discounts on custom size products.
Package Size
This plugin calculates the quantity by given size
Shopper Group Changer
Use your customers purchases to automatically assign them VIP status and use the full potential of VirtueMart's Shopper Groups.
VirtueMart Migrator
Migrate your VirtueMart and your whole Joomla website content.
Latest Products
VMBasic Pro VirtueMart 4 Template
VMBasic Pro is an extended version of the new VirtueMart 4 core template.
Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart
Stripe for VirtueMart
VirtueMart Membership - Platin
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 30% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership.
Make Your Customers Happy Again - Youstice’s new-generation online tool delivers fast and fair solutions to customer complaints.
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