- Details
- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 5769
1. Die für die Geschäftsabwicklung notwendigen Daten werden für eine fehlerfreie und schnelle Bestellabwicklung in unserer EDV in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes sowie des Teledienstdatengesetzes gespeichert. Falls der Nutzer für einen Kauf einen Zahlungsdienstleister wie z.B. PayPal oder ihre Kreditkarte verwenden, werden die für die jeweilige Zahlungsart notwendigen Daten natürlich dem Zahlungsdienstleister übermittelt.
2. Für statistische Auswertungen, z.B. wie häufig eine bestimmte Seite aufgerufen wurde, wird die Open Source Software Matomo eingesetzt. Damit gesammelte Daten werden automatisch anonymisiert, in einer eigenen Datenbank gespeichert und nicht an andere Unternehmen weitergegeben.
3. Der Besteller ist berechtigt einer Nutzung seiner Adressdaten für Werbezwecke unsererseits zu widersprechen. Eine Weitergabe an Dritte für gewerbliche Zwecke erfolgt nicht. Der Besteller hat das Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung und Änderung der Ihn betreffenden Daten sowie ein Recht auf Sperrung bzw. Löschung, sofern legitime eigene Interessen oder gesetzliche Aufbewahrungspflichten nicht dagegen stehen. Sie können dieses Recht ausüben, indem Sie uns eine entsprechende E-Mail über das im unteren Menü als "Contact" verlinkte Kontaktformular senden.
4. Aus steuerlichen Gründen und zum Schutze unserer Software wird jeder Download geloggt. Dabei wird gespeichert die Order_item_id (Id der Produktzeile der Bestellung), die IP (die letzten 3 Stellen sind maskiert), die Domain (sofern angegeben) und der Zeitpunkt.
Wie Punkt 12 der AGB
- Details
- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1168
Thank you for supporting the virtuemart project.
Please visit our international forum https://forum.virtuemart.net/
In case you encounter a bug, please visit our forum first. https://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?board=127.0 . Many bugs are rooted in non compatible layouts or 3rd party extensions, which break the java script. Some of them can be handled by different options, other "bugs" happen due misunderstanding of the background concept. https://docs.virtuemart.net/manual/general-concepts.html
In case the bug is verified in the forum, and the head developer Milbo did not fix it directly, you may open a ticket here http://extensions.virtuemart.net/ticket. Please report also all security related issues over the ticket system and not the forum. Thank you.
- Details
- Written by: Valérie Isaksen
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 17471
Since 26th May 2012, All websites across the EU are now required to ask your permission to place cookies on your machine (E-Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC).
The EU Cookie Directive is designed to increase consumer protection. It recognizes the importance and usefulness of cookies for the functioning of a web site but requires websites to obtain informed consent from visitors before they store information on a computer or any web connected device.
This is storage is mostly done by cookies, which can then be used for tracking visitors to a site. We only use it within the EU law. You can choose whether or not to allow the site to use cookies in this way, but you should be aware that if you do not allow cookies you may experience a loss of site functionality in many cases, and some services will not work at all unless cookies are allowed.
At the top of this website, a message is displayed to warn you that our website uses cookies. This message will be displayed until you agree our site using cookies by clicking on the Agree button.
- Details
- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 102434
How do I get an update?
Fixes and smaller updates are povided for free within the subscription time. To download them
- Click on the link my orders.
- Enter either your order number and password, or your account credentials
- Click on your order number
The link to the product is always the link to recent version.
How do I get support?
For products you bought
If you have problems with one of the products sold here, use our ticket system and you will be put in contact with the extension developer.
If you don't get an answer from the extension developer or other problems appear, please use our contact page.
Individual support/customization
For individual support like customization please use our ticket system to get a quote from iStraxx.
Support languages: English, German, French
Support for purchased extensions and indidual support for customization are both provided within our ticket system.
Tutorials about VirtueMart are available on docs.virtuemart.net and in the VirtueMart-Wiki.
Manuals or tutorials for the extensions are linked on the product pages on extensions.virtuemart.net.
Read this before asking for the warranted support!
Most problems arise due template overrides and 3rd party extensions. Thus, before contacting the support and claiming that something is not working, always try the extension without template overwrites first. You can easily disable them by renaming the com_virtuemart folder in joomlaRoot/templates/yourTemplate/html/ .
The warranted support does NOT cover problems due to your template overwrites or other 3rd party extensions. If we lose a lot of time due to this, we may invoice you. It is your duty to exclude errors created by modifications to the default virtuemart setup/installation.
- Details
- Written by: Max Milbers
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1890
The virtuemart shop is for users and developers.
The virtuemart users can buy here extensions for virtuemart approved by the virtuemart team.
We give here also developers the possibility to sell their goods to the virtuemart users.