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Latest Products

Stripe Checkout plugin for VirtueMart allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway. Joomla 5, Joomla 4, Joomla 3, VirtueMart 4.2.+, VirtueMart 3.8+, and PHP 7.4, PHP 8.2+ compatible. Additional payment methods supported.
Stripe plugin for VirtueMart allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway. The plugin is Joomla 5, Joomla 4, Joomla 3, VirtueMart 4.2+, VirtueMart 3.8 and PHP 7.4, PHP 8.2+ ready. Additional payment methods supported.

VirtueMart Membership - Platin

Support, Renew Discount
298,00 €

Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 30% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership.


249,99 €

The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.


Advanced VirtueMart Invoices

Products, Back Office, Shopper & Order
62,40 €

Powerful component to create VirtueMart orders, issues PDF invoices, changes invoice layouts...inside VirtueMart admin panel.


Shoppers, Orders, Tools, Checkout, Shopper & Order
19,00 €

Localise your shoppers to virtuemart. The country is prefilled in the checkout process. Prices display directly country depended taxes.

Notify Product for VM

Products, Template, Shopper & Order
0,00 €

Allows notify another e-mail when the user submit the form to be in product waiting list.

Modified standard shipment to allow add common brazilian table shipments in VM.

Catproduct Content

Products, Template, Product
32,99 €

Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.

Bundle Catproduct + Catproduct Content

Products, Template, Product
52,98 €

Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.

QuickLook Plugin

Products, Template, Product
49,87 €

Quick look at the product details when browsing on the product listing page. Keeps your Joomla templates as well as current VirtueMart modules safe.

Ajax Search Pro

Categories, Promotions, Product
39,22 €

The module will help your shoppers to easily find the products based on Keyword Search.

OS Ecofood

Templates, Template
61,79 €

... designed in green fresh colors and can be used for websites selling Organic Food, Vegan Food, Food from Farms and other type of online stores or shops. Quickstart package allows to install Virtuemart template in few minutes and get the same website as on demo.

Product Delivery Date

Products, Product
44,11 €

Set delivery date and delivery time/location for your products.

Hera VirtueMart Template

Templates, Template
49,00 €

Flat responsive template with 7 color styles, optimized for speed and easy configuration.


Templates, Template
52,84 €

JSN FORCE is an ideal template for e-commerce websites with its modern design and robust features.

Atos Wordline

Payments, Checkout, Shopper & Order
69,00 €

ATOS SIPS wordline 2.0 payment

Speed Up VirtueMart

Tools, Back Office
47,66 €

After great success of our wishlist extension, we are glad to announce SpeedBooster for VirtueMart.

OS TopShop

Templates, Template
61,79 €

TopShop is responsive Joomla template designed for digital stores, devices and accessories.

Returns origin country of shoppers IP adress. Component for Joomla 2/3

Bundle EU Vat ID checker + MOSS Tax Synchroniser

Orders, Shoppers, Tools, Back Office, Checkout, Shopper & Order
85,00 €

Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.

Bundle MOSS Tax + VM Localise + Geolocator

Products, Orders, Shoppers, Tools, Shopper & Order, Checkout
29,80 €

Mini One Stop Shop taxes for EU. In case you want to export services within the EU you need this component to easily manage your European Vat rules

VM Cart Saver

Products, Orders, Shoppers, Tools, Checkout, Shopper & Order
39,00 €

Save your cart, add name and notes, edit cart. Preview saved cart. Offer a wishlist


Promotions, Shoppers, Tools, Back Office, Shopper & Order
0,00 €

Make Your Customers Happy Again - Youstice’s new-generation online tool delivers fast and fair solutions to customer complaints.

Shopper switcher

Shoppers, Tools, Back Office, Checkout, Shopper & Order
19,90 €

Simulates being logged in as other user. Extend your VirtueMart with ability to change your shoppers.

JSN Ferado

Templates, Template
52,84 €

auto-boots your ordinary e-Commerce website into a virtue high-powered seller. With distinct visuals and well-tailored style for VirtueMart, it brings the most effective sectors right to front — impressing customers at the first-sight and intrigues them to buy what you’re selling.

VirtueMart Product Wishlist Plugin

Orders, Shoppers, Product, Shopper & Order
26,74 €

Joomla VirtueMart product Wishlist extension help customers add items in your store easily and save them in the cart as favorite items so they will buy those items in their next shopping visits


Templates, Back Office
20,00 €

VirtueMart 3 admin template VMADMINLAB will change the way that you will work with the VirtueMart 3 admin. It is fully responsive admin template.

Product Scroller

Products, Promotions, Template, Product
15,00 €

The module displays Featured, Best Sales, Random and Latest products. Designed especially to boost mobile browsing experience. The best way to display selected products from VirtueMart 3.

Shortcodes Plugin

Products, Template, Product
15,00 €

This is a useful content plugin for VirtueMart 3. Shortcodes plugin allows you to insert VirtueMart 3 products into Joomla content item. More than 3 layout options. K2 support.

VirtueMart plugin to automatically subscribe buyers to certain AcyMailing Lists, and to allow subscription to notifications on the product page.

Virtuemart plugin to automatically add buyers to or remove buyers from Joomla user groups or VirtueMart Shopper groups.

Wish list for VirtueMart

Shopper & Order, Products, Product
46,48 €

Wish list / Gift Registry / Favorite products extension for VirtueMart. You will love it.

Offer bulk discounts in your VirtueMart store when customers buy more than one of an item.


Payments, Tools, Back Office, Checkout
44,78 €

Sales Tax Automation

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