Featured Products
Heartland Payment Systems
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
Bundle Shipment for Virtual Products + Module
Product bundle Download Module + Shipment for Virtual Products. Save 10€
EU Vat ID checker
Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.
Rawforms enables custom forms by raw input. Modifies the product price on shopper input based on simple code snippet.
Offline Credit Card Processing
Payment plugin allows you to collect credit card information online to manually process the payment offline.
Custom Size
Your customers can now easily adjust the price of your products, based on the size they require, which can be by dimension, length, width, height, or surface.
Quantity Customsize
Size based discounts on custom size products.
VirtueMart Membership
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 20% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership for 15 months.
Latest Products
VMBasic Pro VirtueMart 4 Template
VMBasic Pro is an extended version of the new VirtueMart 4 core template.
Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart
Stripe for VirtueMart
VirtueMart Membership - Platin
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 30% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership.
Notify Product for VM
Allows notify another e-mail when the user submit the form to be in product waiting list.
Order Upload Plugin
Let your shoppers upload images or any type of files
OS Ecofood
... designed in green fresh colors and can be used for websites selling Organic Food, Vegan Food, Food from Farms and other type of online stores or shops. Quickstart package allows to install Virtuemart template in few minutes and get the same website as on demo.
OS TopShop
TopShop is responsive Joomla template designed for digital stores, devices and accessories.
OS Writer
Joomla theme with stunning features for creative portfolio, online library, eCommerce website (VirtueMart 3.0) and blog
Package Size
This plugin calculates the quantity by given size
PayPal Recurring Payments
Accept recurring paypal payments and subscriptions through your VirtueMart store
Percentage Shipping
Charge a shipping fee as a percentage of the total sales price
Piwik for VirtueMart2
Tracks products detail and categories viewed, informations from your cart and on orders.
Postcode Anywhere Mileage Shipping
Charge a shipping fee based on the delivery mileage/distance
Pro Shipment
Based on rules, GeoIp locator, Spend X € more and get free shipping text. Shipment plugin for VirtueMart
Product Delivery Date
Set delivery date and delivery time/location for your products.
Product Feeds
Export CSV product feeds in a large number of formats, or define your own CSV format
Product Presenter
This module helps you to present as many products on as little room as possible
Product Scroller
The module displays Featured, Best Sales, Random and Latest products. Designed especially to boost mobile browsing experience. The best way to display selected products from VirtueMart 3.
Product Slide
Shows your products in a nice slide with several display options.
Product Slideshow
An image slideshow combined with product display
Products Anywhere
Plugin to display products in articles. This may be the Joomla articles, K2 posts or in posts of other components.
Quantity related price calculation
Create scalable product quantity based discounts
QuickLook Plugin
Quick look at the product details when browsing on the product listing page. Keeps your Joomla templates as well as current VirtueMart modules safe.
Responsive Printing Company Template
Joomla VirtueMart Responsive Printing Company Template is a special Joomla template for Online Printing company. We've created one of the best effective VirtueMart template for this niche market, and we entitle it "Joomla Printing Company Virtuemart template". By using this template, it generally delivers the most convenient way for Printing websites, has opened up opportunities for commercial printers to communicate with their partners and customers.
REVOLAB - Responsive Virtuemart Template
REVOLAB is fully responsive and elegant Joomla template. This template is especially designed for VirtueMart 3 and works with all new versions of Joomla. The Revolab Joomla template comes with lots of awesome features, clean design and powerful functionality.
Safe.Shop Trustmark & Review System
Sagepay/Opayo Payments
Accept SagePay/Opayo payments through your VirtueMart store
SEPA Direct debit mandate
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit Mandate is the solution for merchants selling goods within Europe.
Shipment for Virtual Products
Plugin for selling downloads with VirtueMart 2 and 3.Ships virtual products (software, music, videos, books) to your customers.
Allows the shop owner to determine shipping costs according to arbitrary sets of general rules
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.