Featured Products
Automated numbers
Custom number formats - fill automatically displayed name, login name and password for registration process. Allows customisation of customer, invoice and order numbers by self defined formats.
Quantity related price calculation
Create scalable product quantity based discounts
Sales Tax Automation
Translatable Custom Fields
Add translatable Custom Fields to your multilingual shops.
SEPA Direct debit mandate
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit Mandate is the solution for merchants selling goods within Europe.
Bundle Shipment for Virtual Products + Module
Product bundle Download Module + Shipment for Virtual Products. Save 10€
Mollie for VirtueMart
VM Cart Saver
Save your cart, add name and notes, edit cart. Preview saved cart. Offer a wishlist
Latest Products
Hera 4 VirtueMart 4 Template
Hera 4 is a modern VirtueMart 4 template with many new features. It was developed to provide an easy-to-use experience and a simple setup and configuration without any additional plugins or modules.
VMBasic Pro VirtueMart 4 Template
VMBasic Pro is an extended version of the new VirtueMart 4 core template.
Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart
Stripe for VirtueMart
Authorize.Net Accept
The newest version of the Authorize.Net API which provides a secure PCI compliant solution.
Tyl by NatWest (UK)
Plugin for merchants with an online Tyl account from NatWest in the UK.
Virtuemart plugin to automatically add buyers to or remove buyers from Joomla user groups or VirtueMart Shopper groups.
Advanced inventory manager
Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager: bulk edit, ajax and barcode inventory editor
Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart
Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart allows you to have a firm grasp and an exact depiction of what sales you make, who buys most, what your costs per sale are, what is your profitability, how your P&L looks and what your expenses are.
Now integrated to the AIO
Determines the shipping costs according to arbitrary basic arithmetic expressions
Ajax Drop Down Cart
Powerful and user-friendly drop down cart swiftly revealing the products in the cart add-on module for your store.
Ajax Search Pro
The module will help your shoppers to easily find the products based on Keyword Search.
All about Categories
Presenting categories has never been easier. This VirtueMart module allows you to present your categories in a module. It offers you many settings and different display.
All About Manufacturers
Presenting manufacturer has never been easier. This VirtueMart 2 module allows you to present your manufacturer in a module.
All About Products
Presenting products has never been easier. Display product on module positions. Create entries such as "Save €3.99 now!"
Synchronize your Amazon Products/orders with Amamplace
Atos Wordline
ATOS SIPS wordline 2.0 payment
Attachment For VirtueMart
Attachment for VirtueMart product plugin allows the shop owners to attach multiple files on the product details page.
Shipment Plugin for the Australia Post Postage Assessment Calculator v1.3 and 1.4.
Authorize.Net Sim with SHA512 support
SIM reduces PCI requirement. Now includes support for SHA-512 hash signatures which have replaced MD5 hash signatures. Hosted on Authorize.Net's own PCI-compliant server. SIM (Server Integration Method) provides a customizable, secure payment form hosted by Authorize.Net for merchants who do not have an SSL certificate and their own secure server.
Autocomplete Search Plugin
Start typing and your products will show up directly.
Barclaycard Online Payments
Process Barclaycard Online Payments and ePDQ transactions.
Bronze Certification
This is the ticket for a seminar/workshop which certificates the graduates as being trained by the VirtueMart team. You can be listed on the VirtueMart page being a bronze certificated partner of VirtueMart 2.
Bulk Discount Custom Field for VirtueMart
Offer bulk discounts in your VirtueMart store when customers buy more than one of an item.
Bundle Catproduct + Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Bundle EU Vat ID checker + MOSS Tax Synchroniser
Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.
Bundle MOSS Tax + VM Localise + Geolocator
Mini One Stop Shop taxes for EU. In case you want to export services within the EU you need this component to easily manage your European Vat rules
Display a VirtueMart category menu with unlimited levels
Add multiple products to cart together with only one add-to-cart button.
Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Children custom field
List your children products directly in a table
Spam protection for your VirtueMart store.
Buttons for sharing a product on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Each service can be disabled in the settings.
Clone Order
Your clients have recurring orders? Make their life easier!
Custom Size
Your customers can now easily adjust the price of your products, based on the size they require, which can be by dimension, length, width, height, or surface.
Customers Who Bought
Analogue to the famous Amazon.com trick ‘customers who bought this also bought…’.