Featured Products
Quantity related price calculation
Create scalable product quantity based discounts
Shopper Group Changer
Use your customers purchases to automatically assign them VIP status and use the full potential of VirtueMart's Shopper Groups.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
SEPA Direct debit mandate
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit Mandate is the solution for merchants selling goods within Europe.
Translatable Custom Fields
Add translatable Custom Fields to your multilingual shops.
Embed YouTube videos into VirtueMart product detail page.
Quantity Customsize
Size based discounts on custom size products.
Custom Size
Your customers can now easily adjust the price of your products, based on the size they require, which can be by dimension, length, width, height, or surface.
Latest Products
Hera 4 VirtueMart 4 Template
Hera 4 is a modern VirtueMart 4 template with many new features. It was developed to provide an easy-to-use experience and a simple setup and configuration without any additional plugins or modules.
Mollie for VirtueMart
VMBasic Pro VirtueMart 4 Template
VMBasic Pro is an extended version of the new VirtueMart 4 core template.
Stripe Checkout for VirtueMart
Top ten Products
Shipment for Virtual Products
Plugin for selling downloads with VirtueMart 2 and 3.Ships virtual products (software, music, videos, books) to your customers.
CSV Bulk Product import/export/update for VirtueMart 3.
Offline Credit Card Processing
Payment plugin allows you to collect credit card information online to manually process the payment offline.
VirtueMart Membership - Bronze
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 20% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership for 15 months.
VirtueMart Migrator
Migrate your VirtueMart and your whole Joomla website content.
Theme Shoplicious
This VirtueMart theme gives a new look to your VirtueMart shop. It upgrades the VirtueMart sections but does not affect your Joomla template design.
All About Products
Presenting products has never been easier. Display product on module positions. Create entries such as "Save €3.99 now!"
EU Vat ID checker
Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.
Automated numbers
Custom number formats - fill automatically displayed name, login name and password for registration process. Allows customisation of customer, invoice and order numbers by self defined formats.
All about Categories
Presenting categories has never been easier. This VirtueMart module allows you to present your categories in a module. It offers you many settings and different display.
JCE plugin
Inserts links to your VirtueMart pages, categories and products directly from JCE.
Products Anywhere
Plugin to display products in articles. This may be the Joomla articles, K2 posts or in posts of other components.
CyberMut - Monetico
CyberMut version 3 is the payment solution for CIC and Crédit Mutuel, france and canada
VirtueMart Membership
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 20% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership for 15 months.
WorldPay UK Plugin
Version 1.3.20 - update for Joomla 4 compatibility.
UK version of the Worldpay plugin. Allows merchants with a UK Worldpay account to process credit/debit card transactions.
Bundle Shipment for Virtual Products + Module
Product bundle Download Module + Shipment for Virtual Products. Save 10€
Localise your shoppers to virtuemart. The country is prefilled in the checkout process. Prices display directly country depended taxes. Set currencies for europeans and/or per country.
Virtuemart One Page Checkout
One page checkout, as the name shows such carts occupy just a single page, has faster checkout time, anonymous checkout option, and reduced cart abandonment.
Advanced inventory manager
Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager: bulk edit, ajax and barcode inventory editor
VirtueMart Membership - Silver
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 20% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership for 15 months.
Authorize.Net Accept
The newest version of the Authorize.Net API which provides a secure PCI compliant solution.
Tyl by NatWest (UK)
Plugin for merchants with an online Tyl account from NatWest in the UK.
Add Buyers to Joomla Groups
Virtuemart plugin to automatically add buyers to or remove buyers from Joomla user groups or VirtueMart Shopper groups.
Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart
Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart allows you to have a firm grasp and an exact depiction of what sales you make, who buys most, what your costs per sale are, what is your profitability, how your P&L looks and what your expenses are.
Advanced Shipping by Rules
Now integrated to the AIO
Determines the shipping costs according to arbitrary basic arithmetic expressions
Ajax Drop Down Cart
Powerful and user-friendly drop down cart swiftly revealing the products in the cart add-on module for your store.
Ajax Search Pro
The module will help your shoppers to easily find the products based on Keyword Search.
All About Manufacturers
Presenting manufacturer has never been easier. This VirtueMart 2 module allows you to present your manufacturer in a module.
Synchronize your Amazon Products/orders with Amamplace
Atos Wordline
ATOS SIPS wordline 2.0 payment
Attachment For VirtueMart
Attachment for VirtueMart product plugin allows the shop owners to attach multiple files on the product details page.
Shipment Plugin for the Australia Post Postage Assessment Calculator v1.3 and 1.4.
Authorize.Net Sim with SHA512 support
SIM reduces PCI requirement. Now includes support for SHA-512 hash signatures which have replaced MD5 hash signatures. Hosted on Authorize.Net's own PCI-compliant server. SIM (Server Integration Method) provides a customizable, secure payment form hosted by Authorize.Net for merchants who do not have an SSL certificate and their own secure server.
Autocomplete Search Plugin
Start typing and your products will show up directly.
Sales Tax Automation
Barclaycard Online Payments
Process Barclaycard Online Payments and ePDQ transactions.
Bronze Certification
This is the ticket for a seminar/workshop which certificates the graduates as being trained by the VirtueMart team. You can be listed on the VirtueMart page being a bronze certificated partner of VirtueMart 2.
Bulk Discount Custom Field for VirtueMart
Offer bulk discounts in your VirtueMart store when customers buy more than one of an item.
Bundle Catproduct + Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Bundle EU Vat ID checker + MOSS Tax Synchroniser
Validates the EU VAT ID during the checkout process, and assigns a new group to the shopper. Includes Geolocator for Joomla.
Bundle MOSS Tax + VM Localise + Geolocator
Mini One Stop Shop taxes for EU. In case you want to export services within the EU you need this component to easily manage your European Vat rules
Categories Module for VirtueMart
Display a VirtueMart category menu with unlimited levels
Add multiple products to cart together with only one add-to-cart button.
Catproduct Content
Joomla content plug-in for showing a list of products in content with ability for adding multiple products to cart.
Children custom field
List your children products directly in a table
Spam protection for your VirtueMart store.
Click Social Buttons
Buttons for sharing a product on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Each service can be disabled in the settings.
Clone Order
Your clients have recurring orders? Make their life easier!
Customers Who Bought
Analogue to the famous Amazon.com trick ‘customers who bought this also bought…’.
Developing for 0.5 hour
Development by the VirtueMart core team
Download module
Show confirmed downloads or subscriptions to your shoppers in module layout. Extends iStraxx Shipment for virtual products plugin for VirtueMart 3.
Ebay Instant Keyword Search
Instant keyword search Module for your VirtueMart shops
eCommerce Template
Clear structured Joomla template including VirtueMart theme
EV Security Watch
Keep an eye on your visitors. Who is Good, who is Bad. Keep the bad guys away.
Shipment plugin for Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and South Africa. Employs the Fastway API.
Finalize Orders
Let your customers finalize or cancel a pending order
Flexible Virtuemart Zoom Effect
Responsive jQuery Zoom Effect For VirtueMart 2.0.xx. Zoom Effect Extension lets you show nice zoom effect on product detail page for product pictures. It supports both Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5.
Heartland Payment Systems
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
Heartland Payment Systems
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
Heartland Payment Systems
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
Heartland Payment Systems
This plugin allows Joomla 3.x users running VirtueMart 3.x to take secure, PCI-DSS friendly credit card payments using Heartland Payment Systems.
Joomla Bookkeeping
Fully featured Bookkeeping and accountancy extension which imports orders and customers from VirtueMart.
JSN Ferado
auto-boots your ordinary e-Commerce website into a virtue high-powered seller. With distinct visuals and well-tailored style for VirtueMart, it brings the most effective sectors right to front — impressing customers at the first-sight and intrigues them to buy what you’re selling.
JSN FORCE is an ideal template for e-commerce websites with its modern design and robust features.
JTL Connector 12 months
JTL Connector 3 months
Datenaustausch zwischen JTL-WaWi 1.x und VirtueMart 3 unterstützt Joomla 2.5 und Joomla 3.x
JTL Connector 6 months
Datenaustausch zwischen JTL-WaWi 1.x und VirtueMart 3 unterstützt Joomla 2.5 und Joomla 3.x
Automatic assignment of bank transfers for Prepayment, Invoice Payment and COD
Language Manager for Virtuemart
Easily manage your Virtuemart translatable fields (name, description...)
Linelab Countdown Timer
Linelab Countdown Timer is a powerful Joomla plugin that allows you to insert Countdown Timer anywhere on your website. Increase your product sales by promoting special offers through Linelab Countdown Timer!
Linelab Credit Package Basic
The credit is our site currency and you use credits to download Linelabox templates. The package allows you to download 10 Linelabox templates of your choice.
Linelab Professional Package
The package allows you to download unlimited Linelabox templates of your choice. You also get access to the Premium blocks and templates library, community support forum and template updates
MailChimp for Virtuemart
The only MailChimp connector fully integrated with Virtuemart. Track your revenues generated by your newsletters and send abandoned carts emails
Manufacturer Slide
Shows your Manufacturer in a nice slide on a module position.
Map Related Products
MaxMind Geolocator for Joomla by iStraxx
Returns origin country of shoppers IP adress. Component for Joomla 2/3
Module VM2/3 Unlimited Category-Menu/-Navigator
This module shows the shop categories of VirtueMart unlimited. There is no restriction to the folder depth like it is in the standard VM-category module. How deep you construct your categories is indifferent. The module shows the complete menu from the first to the last level. Or you can use a pull-down-navigator-template for fast and elegant selection (instant ajax technology).
Mondial Relay
For France, Spain, Luxembourg and Belgium. Create your shipments, and print your labels.
Multilingual Availability for Virtuemart
The only plugin that allows you to enter custom, multi-lingual texts and images for any kind of availability you might require.
Name the Price
Allow the user to add any donation amount to the price of a product. Can also be used to sell products, where the buyer determines the price.
Notify Product for VM
Allows notify another e-mail when the user submit the form to be in product waiting list.
Order Upload Plugin
Let your shoppers upload images or any type of files
OS Ecofood
... designed in green fresh colors and can be used for websites selling Organic Food, Vegan Food, Food from Farms and other type of online stores or shops. Quickstart package allows to install Virtuemart template in few minutes and get the same website as on demo.
OS TopShop
TopShop is responsive Joomla template designed for digital stores, devices and accessories.
OS Writer
Joomla theme with stunning features for creative portfolio, online library, eCommerce website (VirtueMart 3.0) and blog
Package Size
This plugin calculates the quantity by given size
PayPal Recurring Payments
Accept recurring paypal payments and subscriptions through your VirtueMart store
Percentage Shipping
Charge a shipping fee as a percentage of the total sales price
Piwik for VirtueMart2
Tracks products detail and categories viewed, informations from your cart and on orders.
Postcode Anywhere Mileage Shipping
Charge a shipping fee based on the delivery mileage/distance
Pro Shipment
Based on rules, GeoIp locator, Spend X € more and get free shipping text. Shipment plugin for VirtueMart
Product Delivery Date
Set delivery date and delivery time/location for your products.
Product Feeds
Export CSV product feeds in a large number of formats, or define your own CSV format
Product Presenter
This module helps you to present as many products on as little room as possible
Product Scroller
The module displays Featured, Best Sales, Random and Latest products. Designed especially to boost mobile browsing experience. The best way to display selected products from VirtueMart 3.
Product Slide
Shows your products in a nice slide with several display options.
Product Slideshow
An image slideshow combined with product display
QuickLook Plugin
Quick look at the product details when browsing on the product listing page. Keeps your Joomla templates as well as current VirtueMart modules safe.
Rawforms enables custom forms by raw input. Modifies the product price on shopper input based on simple code snippet.
Responsive Printing Company Template
Joomla VirtueMart Responsive Printing Company Template is a special Joomla template for Online Printing company. We've created one of the best effective VirtueMart template for this niche market, and we entitle it "Joomla Printing Company Virtuemart template". By using this template, it generally delivers the most convenient way for Printing websites, has opened up opportunities for commercial printers to communicate with their partners and customers.
REVOLAB - Responsive Virtuemart Template
REVOLAB is fully responsive and elegant Joomla template. This template is especially designed for VirtueMart 3 and works with all new versions of Joomla. The Revolab Joomla template comes with lots of awesome features, clean design and powerful functionality.
Sagepay/Opayo Payments
Accept SagePay/Opayo payments through your VirtueMart store
Shipping by Rules
Allows the shop owner to determine shipping costs according to arbitrary sets of general rules
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
The ShipStation plugin exports your order details from VirtueMart and imports them into ShipStation. It also updates order statuses in VirtueMart as you complete shipments in ShipStation.
Shopper switcher
Simulates being logged in as other user. Extend your VirtueMart with ability to change your shoppers.
Shortcodes Plugin
This is a useful content plugin for VirtueMart 3. Shortcodes plugin allows you to insert VirtueMart 3 products into Joomla content item. More than 3 layout options. K2 support.
Silver Certification
This is the ticket for a seminar/workshop which certificates the graduates as being trained by the VirtueMart team. You can be listed on the VirtueMart page being a silver certificated partner of VirtueMart 2.
Stock handle
Handle individual products stock when a gift basket is purchased
Stripe for VirtueMart
Subscribe Buyers to AcyMailing
VirtueMart plugin to automatically subscribe buyers to certain AcyMailing Lists, and to allow subscription to notifications on the product page.
Support for 1 hour
Support by the VirtueMart core team
Textarea custom field
Displays a textarea with defaul text and validation
Transportadoras VirtueMart 2.0
Modified standard shipment to allow add common brazilian table shipments in VM.
Upload Custom Field
Add an HTML file upload input to your VirtueMart product pages.
VirtueMart Consulting and Mentoring
One hour of customer consulting and mentoring.
VirtueMart Extralarge Menu
VirtueMart extralarge menu is Joomla! module which shows your VirtueMart categories as tree.
VirtueMart Membership - Gold
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 30% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership
VirtueMart Membership - Platin
Get access to the ecommerce suite and value added. Support the VirtueMart project with a sustaining membership and ensure the safety of your shops by a security maintenance membership. Get a discount of 30% on any iStraxx virtuemart software (excepts support) and relicensing of the membership.
VirtueMart MP3 Player
VirtueMart Mp3 player plugin allows customers to listen music trial through audio files with a friendly and powerful flash player.
VirtueMart Pending Orders Module
Ever lost some customers or get duplicate orders because the payment failed?
VirtueMart Product Wishlist Plugin
Joomla VirtueMart product Wishlist extension help customers add items in your store easily and save them in the cart as favorite items so they will buy those items in their next shopping visits
VirtueMart Application Programming Interface. Allow others to display and promote your VirtueMart products on their websites.
VM Cart Saver
Save your cart, add name and notes, edit cart. Preview saved cart. Offer a wishlist
VirtueMart 3 admin template VMADMINLAB will change the way that you will work with the VirtueMart 3 admin. It is fully responsive admin template.
Weight Countries Postcodes Shipping
takes a list of alpha/alphanumeric postcodes instead of a numeric range.
Worldpay Payments
Accept WorldPay payments through your VirtueMart store
WT Virtuemart Bitrix24
Plugin for sending order data from Virtuemart online store to Bitrix24 CRM.
XCloner - Backup and Restore made simple!
Professional Backup Application for PHP/Mysql websites.
Make Your Customers Happy Again - Youstice’s new-generation online tool delivers fast and fair solutions to customer complaints.